My Two Cents

A blogging site from a hacker.

Learn the Trie Data Structure


Trie is a tree data structure, which is very useful in many aspects, such as word count and statistics. It stores data in sorted order, so its retrieval is faster than other data structures in some cases. This tutorial introduces some resources of helping to learn and understand this data structure.

Markdown Blogging With Python Flask


Flask is a popular lightweight Python web MVC framework. Compared to Django, Flask based projects are usually simpler to implement and easier to maintain. Flask is BSD licensed and developed by Pocono team.

This tutorial shows how to use Flask and how to integrate a Markdown parser/render into Flask.

How to Make a Windows Program


This is a tutorial of how to make a Windows program. It is just more like a hello-world program but implemented in Windows C. Windows C inherits from ANSI C but has many different features, including special data structures, system functions and even design patterns.

This tutorial introduces the basic elements of Windows programs, such as main entry functions, window class registration, window class creation, control procedure, message loop and so on. Please note that the code in this tutorial is not for production use.

I/O Benchmarks on Linux

Benchmarks are useful tools, which help to understand system performance in a simple manner. This is because that sometimes applications are too complicated to identify which part is the bottleneck. Another reason is the security. When the data usage or application algorithms are private, profiling these applications are not allowed. For some reasons, benchmarks can represent the performance-critical parts in applications.

There are many benchmarks under Linux platform, some of which are also applicable for any POSIX compliant systems.

The C10K Problem →

The C10K Problem is well-known for the web servers cannot handle ten thousands concurrent connectioins. The post is mostly known as the source of desciption of this problem and the solutions to how to solve under Linux platform.

Please click the title to go to the original source.

Hello Octopress

This is first post from octopress. Octopress is an awesome blogging framework, which provides many handful facilities.

Java Tutorial Day 2

Introduction to Console I/O

I/O, which is short for Input and Output, is an important part in any programming language. So is in Java. Today we only refer the console I/O as the standard input and output in a console, which is also the simplest way how users interact with a program.

Java Tutorial Day 1


Primitive data types are the basic data types used in Java. With primitive data types and arrays of them, many questions could be solved now. This post will cover what the primitive data types are and usage of the 1-d array of them. The control flow helps to build more complex program execution.