My Two Cents

A blogging site from a hacker.

Hello Octopress

This is first post from octopress. Octopress is an awesome blogging framework, which provides many handful facilities.

Source commands

Many handful functionalites are wrapped in the Rakefile, which is a definetion file for rake commond. Basicly, the commands defined are:

  • install[]: the initial setup for Octopress to install a theme
  • generate: generate Jekyll site
  • watch: watch the site changes and regenerate if necessary
  • preview: launch a local website and preview in a web browser
  • new_post[]: make a new post in the _post folder
  • new_page[]: make a new page
  • update_style: move sass to sass.old, install sass theme updates
  • update_source: move source to source.old
  • gen_deploy: generate your blog, copy the generated files into _deploy/, add them to git, commit and push them up to the master branch (from 1).

Useful plugins


Normally the Markdown paraser in Jekyll can convert the line starts with a double indent into a code block, like this:

This is a line of code!

However, Codeblock does more than that–it provides language highlights with/without line numbers. The following is line of python code.

In the source code, it is typed like this:

{% codeblock lang:python %}
print "Hello, world"
{% endcodeblock %}

Then, the codeblock above will be rendered like this:

print "Hello, world"

Video Tag

The video tag is very userful, when a video is displayed on the web page. The usage and example can be found here: 2.
